evloution hangs frequently
January 29, 2013 Uncategorized No CommentsI use evolution for email on my desktop. For the last few months every now and then the whole thing would hang up once in a while with a bunch of stuck processes. There always seemed to be one that said “Saving user interface state”. Recently this began happening more often to the point that it became unusable. Finally I built an RPM with the latest stable version, got a backtrace and filed a bug at gnome bugzilla. The response was super quick and apparently it’s a known issue. The answer for me was:
Try Edit -> Preferences -> Mail Preferences -> Headers (tab)
Make sure this option is unchecked:
[ ] Show the photograph of sender in the message preview
Link to the bug is here: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=692727
Many thanks to Matthew Barnes for the quick fix that has made my emailing painful for a long time.