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The Blog of Greg » Blog Archive » evloution hangs frequently

evloution hangs frequently

11:05 am Uncategorized

I use evolution for email on my desktop. For the last few months every now and then the whole thing would hang up once in a while with a bunch of stuck processes. There always seemed to be one that said “Saving user interface state”. Recently this began happening more often to the point that it became unusable. Finally I built an RPM with the latest stable version, got a backtrace and filed a bug at gnome bugzilla. The response was super quick and apparently it’s a known issue. The answer for me was:

Try Edit -> Preferences -> Mail Preferences -> Headers (tab)

Make sure this option is unchecked:

[ ] Show the photograph of sender in the message preview

Link to the bug is here: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=692727

Many thanks to Matthew Barnes for the quick fix that has made my emailing painful for a long time.


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